Tricks to Keep Your NNAT Child from Getting Sick

Its that time of year, for everyone, including your NNAT child, to get sick! It can be difficult to keep your child from getting sick when they are going to school and extra curricular activities, like NNAT prep, with other sick children. But there are many different ways that you keep your child healthy and safe this winter season! You do not want to watch your child being sick and illness can take away good NNAT study time! Here are 5 tips to keep your child healthy and studying the NNAT this winter season.

  • Instant hand sanitizer- This is something very easy to implement with your child! Attach the instant hand sanitizer to their backpacks and put a mark on it before they go to school this week. Whenever they come back and their instant hand sanitizer is lower than when they left, they get a prize, such as 5 minutes less of NNAT prep.
  • Flu Shot- While it can be difficult to watch your child get a shot, it is even harder to watch them be sick! They need to learn that shots are important in their lives to keep them healthy. A flu shot can keep them healthy to keep up the NNAT prep!
  • Carry Tissues- Carrying tissues around to blow your nose with is an important lesson to teach children. They need to know that you do not blow your nose on your sleeve and spread their germs that way! Keep your child healthy by buying them a tissue pack for their backpack to keep them healthy for NNAT prep!
  • Proper Cough Etiquette- Just like you are teaching your child the NNAT, teach your child how to properly cough and sneeze so they do not spread their germs. Encourage your child’s teacher to show kids how to sneeze and cough properly to keep from spreading their germs from child to child and getting the whole class sick!

Keep your child healthy by keeping them inside doing fun, educational and NNAT activities! You can find resources here. Good luck on the NNAT!

Your Child’s First Time on the NNAT

No one forgets their first time. The first time your child takes a NNAT test, alone with the proctor, will mark them for the rest of their lives. They will never forget the feeling of having to let go of their parent’s hands and walk into a strange room with a person they just met.

You will walk them into the school where they will be NNAT tested, gather in the gym to wait to have their name called. They may get nervous seeing so many other children their age that they have never met before. The gym might be too cold or too hot or too loud.

You want to make sure that they do not feel nervous or anxious as they enter, so you packed toys and snacks to bide the time. You distract them by reading a book together or by drawing fun scenes. You do not do any last minute NNAT test prep, as that will be counter-productive for your child. You do not want your child to be overly nervous or anxiety filled. You want them to be relaxed so that their natural intelligence will guide them to the correct answers on the NNAT.

Your child will be read instructions, told to pay attention. There will be no break, unless your child desperately needs to use the restroom. The NNAT proctors, while being very fair and balanced, will not be overly kind or sensitive to your child. They might even have an accent that will confuse them. They will be asked NNAT questions until a seemingly mysterious stopping point when they will be allowed back to their parents and their security.

Wouldn’t that make you nervous or anxious? Your child will not realize just how important this NNAT test is to their future, but they will know it is important to answer the questions correctly. Children want to please those around them, and they will want to do well to make their parents proud. That is why you want to prepare your child for this moment. Practice those skills that they will see on the NNAT test, to boost their confidence while they are with the proctor. When your child knows the correct answer to a NNAT question, they will be filled with confidence in their skills! You want them to have a good NNAT testing experience, maybe even have fun getting to show another person how much they know.

NNAT testing can become a traumatic experience for many students, often stemming from being unprepared for a NNAT test or from too much emphasis being placed on high scores rather than knowledge acquisition. You want to make sure that your child’s first time taking a NNAT standardized test does not scar them for life. Prepare them and try to make NNAT test prep and the NNAT test itself as much fun as possible. That will make their first time a pleasant experience, and teach them that NNAT standardized testing is not scary but just a way to demonstrate your knowledge. That will help set them up for acceptance to that Gifted and Talented program, and eventually lifelong success.

Prepare your child for their first time with the help of this site and they will flourish.

NNAT Proctors

Parents who are unsure of why to prepare their children for their NNAT test should think of testing through the eyes of their child. A 5 year old walking into a room with a stranger who asks questions at them for 40 minutes; sounds stressful for adults, let alone children! A great example of how your child will feel during their NNAT testing is the show Shark Tank. On Shark Tank small business owners pitch their business ideas to a panel of 6 successful business owners. During NNAT testing, your child will be brought into a room, by themselves, with the proctor administering the test, waiting for your child to prove their intelligence.

The panel asks the small business owners questions about their business, grilling them on the details and making sure no issue isn’t flushed out. This is why preparation is necessary. The small business owners need to be prepared to answer any question the panel asks them, and in order to court the panel to become investors they need to be confident in their knowledge! You can tell when one of the small business owners is not prepared enough. They are nervous, they do not sell their business well and they inevitably do not get an investment from the panel.

Just like with Shark Tank, those children whose parents helped prepare them for the NNAT are less nervous and can allow their intelligence to shine through to the proctor! You need to prepare your child for the NNAT  test so that they understand what is happening to them and can prove their intelligence in this certain way.

The panel is a lot like the NNAT test proctor that will administer your child’s test. A problem with NNAT testing for children can be the proctor your child is going to be assigned. Few NNAT tests allow you to choose the proctor for your child’s exam, and your child will certainly not meet the proctor before the NNAT test day. You do not know what the proctor will be like! Like in Shark Tank, personality for proctors run the gamut! The Shark Tank panel could easily be like the person proctoring your child’s test. Here are some proctors your child might run into during NNAT testing:

You will hope for a Lori-type proctor. Lori Greiner is supportive and will talk your child through their NNAT exam. She wants the best for everyone and will ensure that your child is comfortable. She would be understanding and want your child to feel at ease so their intelligence can reveal itself. If your child is shy or rushes their NNAT testing or get anxious easily, then you definitely want your child’s proctor to be Lori.

Mark Cuban is sharp and nothing escapes his gaze. If your child’s proctor is like Mark Cuban, then you need to make sure your child is on their A game! A proctor like this will treat your child very fairly, but will not give them any emotional support. You will want to make sure that your child knows what is going on and can stand up to his serious nature.

Kevin O’Leary might make your child run for the hills! He is intense and leaves no room for mistakes. He will not walk your child through their NNAT test, he will march them through. There will be no Lori-like smiles that your child will be rewarded with, and your child might think he doesn’t like them! Preparing your child allows them to have confidence in their intelligence and that confidence can outweigh this proctors nasty attitude.

This is why you want to prepare your child for the NNAT! You want them to be confident in their skills so that if they do have a mean or sour faced proctor, they can hold their own. If you are unsure about helping prepare your child for their NNAT test, think about if you were thrown into Shark Tank unprepared!

You can find more information on the NNAT from this youtube channel. Good luck on the NNAT!

Christmas Games to Keep your NNAT Child Busy

Tis the season for NNAT prep! It is also the season for card writing, gift wrapping, decorating, cooking and baking, and with all of that going on, you do not want your children in the way. But how do you keep them entertained, celebrating the Christmas Spirit while also doing NNAT prep? I have a list of fun Christmas themed activities that will also prepare your child for the NNAT.

  • Decorate a wall tree: This is a NNAT activity that your child can be involved with from the beginning to the end. You and your child can make a felt Christmas tree with many different strips of Velcro in rows. Then you and your child can make the ornaments, in various sizes, colors and shapes, testing their NNAT skills. When you need some quiet time, have your children decorate their tree in only blue ornaments or square ornaments or in a pattern that you set up for them, to help them prep for the NNAT.
  • Polar Bear Plunge: This is a very hands-on activity that would be best for a babysitter or a nanny to help your children with. You need to get a bowl filled with water and ice, a rubber glove and shortening for this NNAT activity. You have the bowl filled with water and ice and then you put rubber gloves on your child’s hands, then cover one in shortening. Have them submerge both hands and ask them which hand is less cold. It will be the one with shortening on it. Then you can explain how Polar Bears keep so cold in the arctic, good information for the NNAT.
  • Christmas Charades: Sit down with your children and ask them everything they know about Christmas. This is a great NNAT activity itself, helping with memory and pattern recognition. Then type them up and have a handy game of seasonal charades always available.

You can find more activities to keep your children occupied while you prepare for the holidays on this site. Good luck on the NNAT!


School Enrichment for the NNAT

How important is parental involvement in a child’s education and NNAT prep? It can be hard to decide as a parent how much you want to get involved in your child’s education or NNAT test prep. However, with national averages of 20 students per elementary school classroom, it can be hard for your child to get the personal involvement from their teacher that they need. With 20 students to 1 teacher, your child’s misunderstanding of the material can go unnoticed or their progression beyond the materials at hand can go unaddressed. Teacher’s do their very best, but sometimes a child slips past them.

You do not want you child to be behind or beyond the pace of their classroom or the NNAT. Misinformation gone unchecked can set them behind in a subject and getting them back to speed can take a long time, especially with the NNAT. Frustrations in learning a subject can turn to hating that subject or even no longer enjoying school! A child who is not being challenged enough with the classroom activities can start acting up in the classroom to entertain themselves and stop preparing for the NNAT.

These gifted children can lose interest in a subject they already understand or even in school in general or the NNAT! The best way for you as a parent to guarantee that your child’s education is being properly taken care of is involving yourself in your child’s education.

A great first step is to just sit down with your child’s teacher. They will be able to give you insight into your child’s most passionate subjects and what subjects they are struggling with. Those subjects that your child loves should be nurtured in them. Buy them books and find online educational sites on that subject! If you child loves to read or has a passion for science, get them a subscription to Scholastic Book Flix or World Book Science! This will allow their interest to flourish and encourage them to learn on their own.

With subjects that your child is not doing as well in, you need to be involved at home or the NNAT. Have your child take basic assessment tests so you can determine exactly where they are having issues with the NNAT. Then find resources, again books or education sites, that will teach them that subject in a variety of ways. If your child struggles with multiplication, then teaching them multiplication the same way their teacher did will not help them. You need to get creative and find different ways to teach your child subjects they do not naturally understand.

You want to ensure that you encourage education and knowledge while your child is young for their lifelong success. While helping your child with their math homework, they see that you care about their education, which makes them care more about their education. You can help create the next Einstein simply by working with your child every night for an extra 10 minutes in math for the NNAT. Do not forget the gift of an education this holiday season.

You can find more resources for the NNAT here. Good luck on the NNAT!


Fun Winter Activities for NNAT Breaks

It already has been snowing all over the east coast and winter is almost officially here! Your child has been studying diligently for their NNAT exam all fall long and now is the perfect time for fun winter breaks! There are so many different fun activities to do on winter days and nights, and some of them can even be educational!

  • Build a Fort: This can be done with either pillows and blankets or snow! If it is too cold and snowy outside, then help your child make a blanket fort! They will be taught visual spatial reasoning, like on the NNAT, and they will work their fine motor skills, also on the NNAT! A snow fort is a fun activity to help get your child out of the house and keep them from getting cabin fever! This is also a great break from the NNAT test prep!
  • Snowball Fights: This is another fun activity to have a break from NNAT test prep. You can teach your child the best snow to use to make great snowballs and how to aim so that you don’t actually hurt the other child!
  • Make snowflakes: This is a great activity for NNAT prep as well! You can teach your child how to make paper snowflakes and have them work on their visual spatial reasoning for the NNAT!
  • Go Ice-skating: This is another very fun activity for children as it gets them out of the house! There are indoor and outdoor ice-skating rinks, so no matter the weather they can go have fun and take a break from NNAT study.
  • Watch the snowfall: This is my favorite activity because it encourages your children to see wonder and delight in nature and the simple things in life. Ask them what they see out the window and have them describe the landscape. This not only teaches the to slow down and look at the world around them, it also helps with NNAT prep!

You can find more examples of winter activities here. Good luck on the NNAT!

How to Keep your Child Warm this NNAT Winter!

This is the time of year that it is easiest for your child to get cold and that can distract from NNAT prep! You want to make sure that your child is always comfortable. Being too cold can lead to your child getting sick or having very low energy. You need to make sure that your child has their energy up so they can effectively study for the NNAT. There are a lot of tips to ensure that your child stays warm and healthy this cold NNAT season. I have gathered a couple down below:

  • Keep Your Child Fueled: The best way to keep your child warm during the winter, and able to focus on the NNAT, is to make sure they are fed good hearty foods. There is a reason stew is a winter dish, filled with meat and hearty vegetables and warm, it will keep your child full while they work on the NNAT!
  • Wrap Up: This may seem like common sense but the best way to fight cold is to keep as little of the body exposed to the elements as possible. That way there is less of a chance of catching cold, and getting distracted from NNAT study!
  • Winter Accessories: Often people think accessories are not important but in the winter, they are necessary. To keep your child warm and able to focus on the NNAT, they should have a hat, gloves and a scarf. The difference between warm and cold is having the neck, hands and head covered!
  • Don’t forget warm drinks: Hot chocolate is not just a treat in cold weather; the warm drink can warm up your children! Especially when your child will be playing outside for a long time, perhaps a break from NNAT prep, they will need something more to keep them warm. That can be hot cholocate!

For more ways to keep your child entertained while they are stuck inside, check out this site. Good luck on the NNAT.


Give your child the gift of a great NNAT Test Prep!

During the holiday season, I think about what gifts we can give to our children. There are always new toys or games out on the shelved they need to have, theme park tickets always come as a delight, and almost every child loves candy. But I think that the most important gift of all to give your child is the best education available or NNAT test prep. Children love toys and they love stuffed animals and action figures, but the longest lasting gift you can give your child is a solid education and NNAT test prep. In this increasingly competitive world, our children need to be given every available resource to succeed including NNAT study materials.

Many children are blessed with the ability to apply for a Gifted and Talented program. Gifted and Talented programs can challenge children with advanced subject matter or faster paced curriculum, and those challenges can help mold your child’s future. The hard work and dedication that you put towards your child education has resulted in your child being able to join more challenging classrooms, and be on track for a successful future.

But once your child is invited to apply to the Gifted and Talented program, you are presented with a new challenge! You need to ensure that your child is prepared to take the NNAT test to get into the Gifted and Talented program. That means finding out which NNAT test they are going to take, familiarizing yourself with the NNAT test and then helping prepare your child for the NNAT test.

You can prepare your child for their NNAT test in a variety of ways, from doing practice questions to puzzles to educational games. You can listen to your child to know which NNAT preparation method they respond to the best and then you can mold your NNAT preparation system around your child’s preference. By working so closely with your child you can also get a better idea of how they enjoy their subjects and can identify strengths and weaknesses. You can encourage them to further their strengths with books or educational sites for that subject. You can work with your child with their weaker subjects and help them from becoming frustrated at school.

As a parent, you know that you need to guide your children in order for them to grow and develop into a successful adult. You worked so hard in order to teach your child to walk, to speak, you potty trained them and you explained the world around them. Now it is time to ensure that they are receiving the best education they can. Give your child the gift of education this holiday season.

Find more resources for NNAT prep here. Good luck on the NNAT.