Tips for Fostering Patience in your NNAT Child

Patience is a virtue that can only help your child as they prepare for the NNAT. Your child will have to wait before the NNAT test begins, during the NNAT test, and their ability to sit still be attentive will be noted. One of the ways to determine that a child is ready for kindergarten, other than the NNAT, is their ability to be patient. During their kindergarten days, they will have to wait patiently in lines, be patient while waiting for help from a teacher, and wait patiently till recess or lunch. Having a more patient child will make your parenting life easier, and will help with NNAT prep. Here are some tips to help your child taking the NNAT more patient:

  • Don’t dote on your child: Do not come running in to help your child every time their toy needs a new battery or they have an issue. With the phrase “I can’t do that right now, ask me again in 10 minutes” they will learn to wait until you are available to help them. This will help them as they wait for the NNAT test to begin
  • Gives them tools to help with waiting: Always carry a toy they like to play with or a book for them to read. This will show them that they can do fun things, or productive things, while waiting for something else. They can even do NNAT prep!
  • Praise your child: When you child successfully waits those 10 minutes for you to help them, or stands patiently in a line, praise them! Let them know you appreciate their good behavior. This can also apply to NNAT prep, when they get a concept, let them know they did well!
  • Use a sand timer: Children are very visual, so a physical depiction of time can help them become more patient. You can also use this during NNAT practice.

Patience can be a hard won virtue from young children, but you will see it pay off in the NNAT. Here is an article from the Huffington Post on raising patient children. Good luck on the NNAT!

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