Tips for Raising Polite NNAT Kids

Teaching your children good manners will not only help them on the NNAT, but also throughout their lives. The NNAT can be given in-group setting and can be proctored by a stranger. They will have to sit still, take their turn, and be polite to the proctor during the NNAT test. Once they take the NNAT and go to that special kindergarten, they will need to use the manners you instill in them. It is important to not just focus on NNAT prep, but to ensure their success once they get into your Kindergarten of choice. Here are tips to ensure their success once they pass the NNAT.

  • Show them your manners. Just like you can’t just tell your children to study for the NNAT, you cannot expect your child to know good manners unless you yourself have good manners. Do you thank waiters when they bring you food? Do you apologize after you accidentally bump into someone? Children mirror everything they see, so if you have good manners than your children should follow suite.
  • Teach your children to shake hands. Something that will really surprise your NNAT proctor will your child extending a handshake. While it won’t boost his NNAT score, it will impress the proctor. Teach your children from an early age to extend courtesies such as handshakes and eye contact when engaging in conversation to instill these values. These will help them after their NNAT test, when they are in kindergarten.
  • Don’t let it go. It can be very tempting to not enforce daily NNAT prep, just like it can be tempting to ignore your child’s rude outbursts and explain them away as toddler tantrums. However, every time you let your child get away with a rude comment or mean act, they think it is ok. It is very tiring, but stay vigilant with the pleases and thank yous to raise a polite child.

Taking the NNAT can stress out any parent, but it is important to remember to instill good manners in your children as well. Here is a great video on table manners for children! Good luck with NNAT prep!

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