Tips for a Safe Beach Trip with Your NNAT Child

A great summer activity that will distract your child from their NNAT preparation is heading to the beach. Going to the beach is one of the summer activities that your children will always remember, and will give them a good break from the NNAT. But you will want to make sure that you are properly prepared, to make sure it is a stress free day. Follow these tips and tricks to make sure that your child has the best non-NNAT prep day at the beach that they can.

  • Remember the Sunscreen: Make sure to not only get a high SPF sunscreen, and don’t forget to reapply throughout the day. Also remember to get a sunscreen that is waterproof, so that your children are still protected after they go in the waves! Sunburn makes for disastrous NNAT study sessions.
  • Stay near the Lifeguard: Even with a lifeguard in attendance on the beach, you will still want to keep an eye on your children. Make sure they don’t go into too deep of water or help them not get knocked over by big waves. However, just in case something very wrong happens, a lifeguard will be there to save the day. This will make sure there can be NNAT prep in the future.
  • Stay Hydrated: It is easy to get distracted by the sand and the waves and the beach itself. But getting dehydrated is a great way to get cranky and tired, ruining a fun NNAT free day. Drink lots of water and make sure you eat too, or else you might not enjoy your fun day at the beach.
  • Have a variety of things to play with: Not only should you bring shovels, buckets, a volleyball, or a Frisbee to the beach, you shouldn’t ignore nature’s toys. Children should play in the sand and shovels come in handy to bury children’s feet to turn them into mermaids! Even bring along some NNAT practice questions just in case they want to do some NNAT prep out there!

For a great day at the beach, remember to bring something to sit on, something to shade yourself with, snacks, drinks, and of course lots of sunscreen! Here is a good audio book about the beach! Good luck on the NNAT!


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